Category: Editorial


Dear bilinguals A wide spectrum of faith focuses on learning the languages of original religious scripts, be it Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism or Buddhism. Most of these faiths inspire their followers to know and practice the commandments particularly Islam makes it mandatory to learn Arabic language. As a Hindu community...


Dear well-wishers Peace be upon you. Hope you are keeping well. New Year is knocking at the next door. It is time we planned a new year. Happy New Year. Everyone is hoping 2017 will be a year good for everyone on the earth. So does the Syrians, Iraqis and...


Dear readers Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullah. Hope you are keeping well so are we. The US election is over with the real estate developer Donald Trump winning it. The business baron once used to fund the politicians of both the Republicans and the Democrats. His funding of as many as 100...


Dear readers Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullah. Hope you are keeping well so are we. There is a ringing call all over the energy-starved world for energy safety, particularly for the poor and remote villagers. These types of people need cheap and sustainable energy supply. Solar energy can be answer to the...


Dear readers Peace be upon you. Hope you, along with your family and friends, are fine. When people are happy they indulge in games and sports and other modes of enjoyment. Video game, be it on mobile phone or on tab and computer, is one of the popular sort of...


Dear readers Assalamu alaikum. Hope you are in good mood with good food for your stomach and thought as well. You may have been enjoying the Rio Olympic Games since the moment it began. Though Olympic is for records and records are for Olympic this Olympic is exceptional for it...


Dear readers Assalamu alaikum. Hope you are fine, so are we. June is becoming harsh day by day with high temperature, thanks to climate change, consumerism and hedonism. Down the history many tragic incidents took place in this month. Nawab Sirajuddowla’s defeat in the battle of Plassey on 23rd June...


Dear subscribers Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. Hope you are keeping well in this sweltering heat of this summer, albeit with struggling. It is really troublesome and mind-boggling to come across the news like over 40 people killed in lightning in a span of 24 hours. In the last...


Dear readers Assalamu alaikum. Hope you are keeping well, so are we. Everyone has some troubles and tribulations and we are no exception to them. Every nation has got their own and international common problems as well. Bangladesh has its own problem too, no matter how big or small they...


Dear readers Assalamu alaikum. Hope you are doing well with the ways and means that you have available at hands. We are no exception to it. People all over the world use new gadgets if they afford though most of them don’t. It is because most of them are pricy....


Dear Readers Assalamu Alaikum. Hope you are keeping well. We are running the cover story on historical cities which are on the periphery of the Muslim world. The story explores if any culture flourishes and wins people’s hearts in its frontier or bordering towns then it can be assumed that...


Dear readers, Assalamu Alaikum. Another new year is here. We have reasons to thank Allah (swt) for the blessings we enjoyed last year. We also need to remain steadfast on achieving positive aspirations despite the mountains of difficulties and oddities we have been facing now for quite sometimes. It is...


Dear Readers, Assalamu Alaikum! Perhaps you know, one of the most threatening problems of the present day doubtlessly concerns the environment. The world up to this day has never experienced an environmental problem at such a comprehensive level. At its center resides the human element that owns the potential to...


Dear Readers, Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah. I hope you are unaffected by the health hazard caused by the season shifting, inshallah. You surely have noticed the change in the air: the temperature has begun to drop and the weather more unpredictable. In the city, seasonal changes can be a little...


Dear readers Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu Hope you are fine, and so are we. In the wake of the world getting increasing unsafe for the kids we are running a cover story linking wars and children organisations. The story opens the eye of the world to the matter...


Dear Tech Generation Assalamu alaikum. Hope this issue will find you in good health and healthy mood as well. Your magazine Youth Wave tries to explore the narratives about the missile men of the peace-loving planet. The planet earth gave space and scope for the missile men to stage their...


Dear Readers, The holy Ramadan has left with an urge to remain steadfast on the right way. We have celebrated Eid-ul Fitr and now have been engaged again in choirs of daily life. But what does it mean to remain steadfast? We are now living in an extraordinarily difficult time....

Editorial July 2015

Dear Readers Assalamu alaikum wa mabruk al Eid at the end of Ramadan. Happy fasting month to you! It is the month when the Quranic verse on education for the whole humanity was revealed. Read in the name of Allah— was the first order to a person who represented most...

Dear subscribers

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. Hope you are keeping well by the grace of Allah in the face of different types of threats of both man-made and natural alike. On the one hand there is intermittent small earthquakes and Indian cowing Bangladeshis into not eating beef cuisine on the...

Editorial April 2015

Dear subscribers Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatulillah. Hope you are not suffering and failing to do what will transcend beyond the national boundaries. It is really troublesome to do something important for all ages.The cover story tries to capture the tension of not being temporary. From time immemorial everyone wants a...