Category: Can you answer

Can You Answer?

Welcome to our exciting new quiz challenge! Email us your answers to [email protected] , and you could see your name in print in the April’25 issue, alongside the correct answers and our heartfelt congratulations. Happy quizzing! Happy quizzing! 1. Who was defeated in the second battle of Panipath? a) Ambhi...

Can You Answer?

Welcome to our exciting new quiz challenge! Email us your answers to [email protected] , and you could see your name in print in the March’25 issue, alongside the correct answers and our heartfelt congratulations. Happy quizzing! Happy quizzing! 1. How many people work in RMG sector of Bangladesh? a. 3.5...

Can You Answer?

Can You Answer?

Welcome to our exciting new quiz challenge! Email us your answers to [email protected] , and you could see your name in print in the February’25 issue, alongside the correct answers and our heartfelt congratulations. Happy quizzing! Happy quizzing! 1. In which Sura the 27 Attributes of God are mentioned? a)...

Can You Answer?

Can You Answer?

Welcome to our exciting new quiz challenge! Email us your answers to [email protected] , and you could see your name in print in the January 2025 issue, alongside the correct answers and our heartfelt congratulations. Happy quizzing! 1. The largest peninsula in the world is a) Malaysia b) Arabia c)...

Can You Answer?

Welcome to our exciting new quiz challenge! Email us your answers to [email protected] , and you could see your name in print in the December’24 issue, alongside the correct answers and our heartfelt congratulations. Happy quizzing! 1. The first Prime minister of Bangladesh was     a) Sheikh Mujibur Rehman...

Can you answer? 0

Can you answer?

FEBRUARY 2013 1.    Who was the first female to accept Islam? A. Syedatul Khadija (sa) B. Bibi Fizza (sa) C. Syeda Zainab (sa) D. Umm e Kulsoom (sa) 2.    What book was revealed with Nabi Isa (as)? A. Quran B. Torat C. Zubair D. Injeel 3.     _____ was the...

Can you answer? 0

Can you answer?

September, 2012 1.    How many rings on the Olympic flag? a) Six b) Five c) Seven d) Four 2.     What nationality are the most immigrants to the USA? a) Indian b) Canadian c) Mexican d) Spanish 3.    The word Mongol means what in Mongolian? a) Brave b) Leader c)...

Can You Answer: Septermber’09 0

Can You Answer: Septermber’09

1.Who is the author of the novel ‘Bishad Shindhu’? a) Kazi Nazrul Islam    b) Mir Mosharraf Hossain c) Omar Khayam         d) Golam Mostafa 2.Which Muslim victor first came to the Indian sub-continent? a) Musa bin Nusair    b) Mugeera c) Tariq bin Ziad       d) Muhammad bin Quasim 3.Recently...