Category: Motivating

Bruce Paterson, Ex-Christian, UK

I would like to take the opportunity to share with you my journey to Islam and I feel that by sharing this experience with you I can help you on your journey through life. We are all born into different cultures, countries and religions in what often seems a confusing...

Anselm Tormeeda

A Fourteenth Century Christian Scholar and Priest Turned Muslim A great number of Christians embraced Islam during, and soon after, the Islamic conquests following the Prophet’s death. They were never compelled; rather, it was in recognition of what they were already expecting. ANSELM TORMEEDA, a priest and Christian scholar was...

My Journey from Christianity to Islam

Khadijah# Bismillah hir-Rahmanir- Raheem My story in short is that I am a girl who was born to a Christian family and therefore followed Christianity until January 15th 2006 when I converted to Islam, most thankful to God. I grew up in a non-too-religiously-committed Christian family, my father was an...

The Amazing Story of an American Jew

A Satmar Hasid moved to Israel from Brooklyn, but became disenchanted with teachings of Ovadiah Yosef; he converted to Islam and now supports Hamas. Yosuf Hatab says that suicide bombings are unavoidable and that a Palestinian state should be established from the Mediterranean until the Jordan River. Hatab sends his...

Arab Poetry in Calligraphic Work

In this article we are bringing you the highlights from Sabah Arbilli’s latest exhibition ‘Her’ at Sharjah Art Museum. The exhibition, showing calligraphic paintings and sculptures is inspired by poetry written by leading poets from the Arab world. Sabah Arbilli next to his painting at the exhibition The exhibition ‘Her’...

Sweet Dreams 0

Sweet Dreams

Kazi Falguni Eshita After a harsh,  tiring day, everyone requires a good night’s  sleep. A proper slumber not only helps to regain energy for the next day, but it also helps to repair all the wear and tear any human body and brain experiences during the day. A six to...

Dr Ahmad Muhammad Ali Al Madani: 0

Dr Ahmad Muhammad Ali Al Madani:

The Initiator of Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Dr. Ahmad Mohamed Ali Al-Madani is the first and present president of Islamic Development Bank (IDB) situated in Jeddah, which was established in 1975 and is now operating its development project and activities among 56 Muslim countries. Dr.Ahmad devoted his life to serve...

A Faith I Had Never Considered 0

A Faith I Had Never Considered

Ibrahim Long I have not always been a Muslim. There have been times in my life that I have been the very opposite of what that means to be; yet, in some way, I feel like my whole life has led me to it. I had been raised to hold a Christian faith...

I Reverted to Islam 0

I Reverted to Islam

 – Madame Fatima Mike Davidson Madame Fatima Mik Davidson is the Minister of State for Social Development and Local Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. In an interview given by her to the renowned Arabic Magazine Men-bar-al-Islam of Cairo, Madame Fatima Mik Davidson (formerly Mrs. Model Donafamik Davidson)...

Khurram Jah Murad: one of the most influential leaders of Islamic movement in the world 0

Khurram Jah Murad: one of the most influential leaders of Islamic movement in the world

Basharat Hossain Dilshad Khurram Jah Murad is an Islamic intellectual, writer, reformist and orator who take an important place in the mind of dawah workers all over the world. In professional life, he was an architect of modern Islamic revival. Khurram Jah Murad was born at Bhopal in India in...

Her Adopted Son took her to Islam 0

Her Adopted Son took her to Islam

Nazmus Sakib She is Pamela Kara. She is originally from outside Cleveland, Ohio in the northern part of the USA near the Great Lakes. This is where she grew up. She has been Muslim for about 12 years. She was raised in a Christian family following Protestant School. What made...

Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi 0

Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi

The most influential Muslim pundit in the modern world Yusuf Al- Qaradawi was born on September 9, 1926 in an Egyptian Muslim family. He lost his father at two years old in 1928 and brought up by his uncle. Though his family pressured him to be sources of income, he...