Dear Friends
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah. Hope you are passing through one of the toughest time of your life which is bogged down in lockdown. Educational inactivity for the students and economic downturn for the parents have either way affected almost every family where there are students and parents. Coronavirus, which has killed so far 2000 and infected over 1.5 lakh people in Bangladesh, and subsequent lockdowns have affected almost everyone. Protracted infections and its news have turned into permanent headline or pending matter across the news channels, portals or media since December 31, 2019 when it broke out in Chinese city Wuhan. So once again, we have decided to make it into cover story when 170 crore Muslims all over the world will slaughter animals and make sure no one around a person goes to bed unfed or eats his or her meal without protein. Over 1.1 crore animals are ready for sacrificial cattle markets and if 1 crore animals are slaughtered, 16 persons or four families of our country can be provided with protein. Thus, the whole country of 16 crore people can enjoy Eid-ul Adha as national protein day across Bangladesh. In this way, 170 crore Muslims can ensure protein for all the platters of 710 crore people of the planet, irrespective of creed, cast, society, national boundaries and religion.
Hope to return to you next month. Stay at home and stay safe. Mabruk al Eid. n
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