The outer covering of eyeball is called conjunctiva. Inflammation of conjunctiva by micro-organisms such as bacteria or viruses is called conjunctivitis. It is a very common disease in our country. It frequently occurs during rainy season.
Sign and symptoms:
- Eye, eyelid becomes red and swallow
- Itching of eye which may be severe
- Pain
- Watering from eye
- Whitish or grayish discharge from the eye in bacterial conjunctivitis. No discharge of this type in viral conjunctivitis
l Feelings of discomfort
l Blurring of vision
The disease spreads very easily from person to person. Close contact (e.g. hand shaking), sharing towels, cloths, eye cosmetics, sun glass etc of an infected person transmit disease and infects a healthy one.
Treatment: Viral conjunctivitis usually needs no treatment. It goes away on its own. Painkillers (e.g. paracetamol) may be given to relieve pain. In severe infection antiviral drugs (e.g. acyclovir) may be given.
Bacterial conjunctivitis is more dangerous than viral conjunctivitis. Antibiotic eye drops or ointment (e.g. chloramphenicol) is given 4 to 6 times daily to control infection.
Sequel: Though the disease is not fatal, it may cause many harm if neglected. Corneal ulceration may happen from conjunctivitis which may lead to partial to total blindness.
- Wash your hands frequently. Avoid the habit of rubbing eyes.
- Never share your sunglass, towels.
- Never use medicine that is prescribed for someone else.
- If one of your eyes is affected, use separate towels for each eye.
- Avoid bathing in common places (e.g. pond, swimming pool) if you have conjunctivitis
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