Dear readers
Assalamu Alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu. Hope you’re well by the grace of Allah braving the beastly incidents you are being exposed to every single day. With the killing of journalists by Israeli forces in Palestine with impunity for years, war in Ukraine, price hike of essential commodities etc issues are inflicting on the world, we are running the cover story on Russia – Ukraine war. As these warring countries are predominantly Christians, so it is the war of the majorities. The nations have minorities particularly Muslims who are fighting against each other because the warring sides are pitching the Chechens against Chechens or Chechens against Tartars. What a fratricidal policy in place! The Chechens were annihilated down the history by the Russians particularly in first and second Chechen wars and the surviving rest of annexed Chechnya have got to be wiped out totally through this war. The Tartars also faced Russian attempts of annihilation after World War I when Ottomans of fellow faith sided with losing Germans. Now Saudi Arabia and its allies are waging war in Yemen and Syrians against Syrians. Divide and rule policy is yielding everywhere. Hope you will like the story.
Hope to return to you next month with another issue as the cover story. Stay safe until then. Allah Hafez.
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