Category: Health

Health issues are here.

Simple daily habits for better vision

Vision loss is more common than you may think. According to the World Health Organisation, at least 2.2 billion people globally have a near or distance vision impairment. At least 1 billion of these cases either had a preventable vision impairment or had not yet addressed it. In other words,...

Try to avoid bottled water

Tiny plastic bits are everywhere—wafting in the air, riding ocean currents, raining down on plants, and swirling in bottled water. The smallest of these—nanoplastics—has been hard for scientists to study. Now, researchers have developed a new method to identify these super-tiny bits, each billionth of a metre in size. And...

Mindful Eating

Practicing mindful eating offers a transformative approach to our relationship with food, encouraging us to be fully present and intentional in our culinary experiences. While the ideal scenario, as often portrayed in retreats or structured mindfulness courses, involves savoring each bite with undivided attention, the reality for many of us...

In the light of the Holy Hadith

In the light of the Holy Hadith

How To Never Miss Fajr Prayer Again The Prophet (PBUH) said, “The two Rak’ah before the dawn (Fajr) prayer are better than this world and all it contains.” (Sahih Muslim, Book 9, Hadith 1102) Dear brothers and sisters, The Fajr Prayer is one of the toughest obligatory prayers to fulfil...

Kazi Falguni Eshita

Dear Readers, can you name someone who doesn’t suffer from physical pain at any point in his or her life? None, correct? Did you ever wonder how to get rid of that nagging, distressing and excruciating feeling without any prescription medication? Personally, I suffer from a constant, sometimes unbearable pain...

The Worst Foods for your Brain

Your brain is the most important organ in your body.It keeps your heart beating, lungs breathing and all the systems in your body functioning.That’s why it’s essential to keep your brain working in optimum condition with a healthy diet. Some foods have negative effects on the brain, impacting your memory...

Health tips for Summer Dr. Imranur Rahman

Hello readers! Hope you all are well in this hot summer days. Today I’m going to discuss how to stay well in this weather. Drink plenty of water in summer. Water helps to maintain internal body temperature. Whenever temperature of our body increases, body regulates it by sweating. Water and...

In the light of the Holy Hadith

How to be a good Muslim? The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, the most beloved of you and closest to me in the Hereafter are those with the best character. Verily, the most hate of you and furthest from me in the Hereafter are those with...

Is Water Always The Best Choice On A Hot Day?

Water makes up more than half of our body weight. To sustain this amount of water in our bodies, we’re advised to drink six to eight glasses of fluid per day. Water is the healthiest drink we can reach for – no sugar, no calories – but is it always...

Boredom May Create A Public Health Threat

In recent months, you may have heard about “pandemic fatigue.” The term is not clearly defined. But the gist is that people have grown tired of the pandemic and of having to keep apart for so long. That fatigue can show up as feelings of anxiety, hopelessness, frustration, anger and...

In the light of the Holy Hadith

Only Through Goodness We Can Prevent Evil “Goodness is what gives your heart peace and your conscience comfort. Evil is what gives your heart unrest and your conscience worry and doubt, even if other people approve of it.” (Ibn Hanbal, IV, Hadith No: 227) Dear Brothers and Sisters! Wabsa bin...

Protect Your Mental Health in Tough Times

If you’re not protecting your mental health right now, you’re either struggling or a superhero. Even before the coronavirus pandemic threw a wrench in things, there was plenty to stress about. Concerns about everything from dirty dishes to climate change can affect your mental health. Just remember: You control your mental...

A Spicy Heritage By Fahmida Mehreen

Spices – it is India’s proudest heritage, and the history of Indian spices is almost as old as the history of spices itself. The business and activity of Indian spices can be traced back to the ancient and medieval ages where spices played a significant role in bolstering the Indian...

Natural Ways to Boost Your Immune System

Did the coronavirus make you reconsider learning how to boost immune system function and your overall health? I bet the answer is yes. Unlike never before, the topics of hygiene, immune function, and natural health remedies are amongst the biggest questions inside people’s heads, and for good reason. Avoiding catching...

Why Organics?

Why Organics?

Organics have become an integral part of our food system. As a young child, I knew organics to be the fruits and vegetables in that one corner of the grocery store which did not seem to receive much attention. Today, grocery aisles are filled with organic products. It is not...

Pain, Pain, Go Away!  By Kazi Falguni Eshita

Pain, Pain, Go Away! By Kazi Falguni Eshita

Dear Readers, can you name someone who doesn’t suffer from physical pain at any point in his or her life? None, correct? Did you ever wonder how to get rid of that nagging, distressing and excruciating feeling without any prescription medication? Personally, I suffer from a constant, sometimes unbearable pain...

How Your Age Affects Your Appetite

How Your Age Affects Your Appetite

Do you eat to live or live to eat? We have a complicated relationship with food, influenced by cost, availability and even peer pressure. But something we all share is appetite – our desire to eat. While hunger – our body’s way of making us desire food when it needs...


Is Sugar Really Bad for You?

It’s hard to imagine now, but there was a time when humans only had access to sugar for a few months a year when fruit was in season. Some 80,000 years ago, hunter-gatherers ate fruit sporadically and infrequently, since they were competing with birds. Now, our sugar hits come all...