Category: Your Corner

Searching -Zariful Azam

In search of the quietest quiet, I found a place full of chaos. Seeking a utopian world, I arrived on dystopian lands. Yearning for divine love, I stumbled upon a world of hate. A world of fear and treachery, A world of torment and destruction. A world consumed by lust,...

The Whistle of Death -Arif Hossain

This terra is canoodled by all. A few can keep away, But many cannot surreptitiously fall. As they perceive it, it’s not all. The unobtrusive endeavours, But later fall. Legionary theories- it’s an Olympus. Just to eat, to sustain, and to live, Since they passed into oblivion to leave. Hear!...

Tagore and I Kazi Falguni Eshita

Recently, I was watching a musical show aired at one of the Bangla channels to mark Rabindranath Tagore’s death anniversary. Here in the USA, I miss being with Tagore every single minute. Yes, there might be a lot of trumpets, tubas or pianos everywhere, but a harmonium beside a pair...