Category: Health


Is Sugar Really Bad for You?

It’s hard to imagine now, but there was a time when humans only had access to sugar for a few months a year when fruit was in season. Some 80,000 years ago, hunter-gatherers ate fruit sporadically and infrequently, since they were competing with birds. Now, our sugar hits come all...

Why Sleep Should Be Student’s Priority

Why Sleep Should Be Student’s Priority

Jakke Tamminen has plenty of students who do that very studenty thing of staying up all night right before an exam, in the hope of stuffing in as much knowledge as they can. But “that’s the worst thing you can do”, the psychology lecturer at the UK’s Royal Holloway University...

How Your Age Affects Your Appetite

Do you eat to live or live to eat? We have a complicated relationship with food, influenced by cost, availability and even peer pressure. But something we all share is appetite – our desire to eat. While hunger – our body’s way of making us desire food when it needs...

Food Habits in Islam

Although there are some indigenous characteristics in the patterns of consuming food in different Muslim cultures, Islam has laid down some specific and useful codes of conduct for eating which were recommended by the Prophet Muhammad. Muslims have contributed much to the nutritional practices of the world’s many cultures. The...

Food to Increase Memory and Concentration

I would like to share some food recommended by Sunnah  which can increase your Memory and Concentration. These are in a way a Prophetic Medicine to increase Memory . I hope it benefits you. The Top foods in the list are: Honey Hadith : It is narrated in Sahih Bukhari that...

Bones Have More role in Body than We Know

Long cast as the strong silent type, bones aren’t as quiet as they once seemed. It turns out they have a lot to say. And the rest of the body appears to be listening. Scientists knew that bones are not just rigid scaffolds to hold up and protect soft tissues....

The Python and the Thief -Rezaul Karim

He is as hard as rock and is neat six feet seven inches- he is a thief! He can break off the wooden doors or windows, cut through the brick framed wall and jump over tall abandoned buildings. His name is Rosaline. But this stout thief met a terrible danger...

Chikungunya Symptoms and Prevention -Dr. M R Sa’ad

Chikungunya is a peculiar name and it was unfamiliar to general people. Due to spreading fast in the capital city Dhaka with sporadic rains, there is no way to turn down the issue ‘Chikungunya’. Recently, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has detected 23 areas across the capital city...

Nutrition An Islamic Perspective

Allah created man (Adam) from a handful of dust that He took from all over the earth and, therefore, any replacement for wear and tear in the human body should be obtained from the same organic source that man belongs to, i.e. plant and fruit growing out of dust (land)....

Is Crying Good for Health

Crying has often been touted as a good way to relieve stress. Does science back this belief up? Until recently, scientists and authors were at stark disagreement over the point of crying. In King Henry VI, Shakespeare wrote, “to weep is to make less the depth of grief”, and the...

Thoughts Change your Brain, Cells, and Genes

We have much more power than ever believed to influence our physical and mental realities. Our mindsets are recognized by our bodies – right down to the genetic level, and the more we improve our mental habits, the more beneficial response we will get from our bodies. Every minute of...

How to stay healthy this winter

It’s not difficult to boost our immunity throughout the upcoming winter by consuming a range of fresh foods including green leafy vegetables. There are a number of things we can do to help keep ourselves and our family just as healthy, happy and active during winter. Boosting up immunity It’s...

Why We Feel Busy All The Time

Few facts about modern life seem more indisputable than how busy everyone seems to be. Across the industrialised world, large numbers of survey respondents tell researchers they’re overburdened with work, at the expense of time with family and friends. And it’s possible that the most overwhelmed people weren’t even asked...

Cell Phone Safety

Does heavy use of cell phones pose a risk of cancer? This question has provoked controversy for many years. A new study in rats now adds to those concerns. Its data linked long-term, intense exposure to radiation from cell phones with an increased risk of cancer in the heart or brain. The...

Food supplements can make you sick

New estimates find that some types have been sending thousands to the hospital each year — including teens Doctors say eating a well-balanced diet is the best way to get the nutrients your body needs. People who think they may need a little extra help often reach for food supplements....

Are You Damaging Your Hearing?

Many of us use earphones throughout the day to drown out noise in our commutes and at work. But is it prematurely damaging our hearing? Molly Crain investigates. It starts gradually. The guitars in your favourite song no longer seem to sound loud enough, so you crank up the volume....

Fish A bone you should definitely pick

By NafisaTabassum# Oh, how we Bangalis love our fish. We love it so much that if a bone gets stuck in your throat, or if accidentally ingest it, everyone laughs it off and tells you to swallow a ball of rice. You can’t tell me that this hasn’t happened to...

Can your water bottle kill you?

NafisaTabassum It’s an established tradition in urban Bangladesh to reuse plastic soda and juice bottles in storing water for later use. Unfortunately, this tradition is leading to several dangerous illnesses no one anticipates. Here’s why: 1.    Bottles made of “safe plastic” called polyethylene terephthalateare supposed to be reused only once....

10 Tips for a Healthy Ramadan 0

10 Tips for a Healthy Ramadan

1. Drink water The most important tip that I can give everyone in preparation for Ramadan is, to start drinking water now!  Adequate hydration is simple and important .Take hydration seriously and notice the difference