Category: Articles

The Library With Unreadable Books

One recent Sunday morning, in a forest north of Oslo in Norway, more than 200 people gathered to watch a ceremony. They had walked in a procession – some with their dogs, others their children – along gravel trails, directed by arrows on the ground made from sprinkled wood shavings....

Universal Beauty of Islam

Quite simply, the Universe could not exist were it not for universal laws created by Allah to govern cohesiveness and order within the created realms. Objects, from the very smallest to the largest could not function free from divine immutable laws established to govern their destiny. Thus, life itself would...

Health tips for Summer Dr. Imranur Rahman

Hello readers! Hope you all are well in this hot summer days. Today I’m going to discuss how to stay well in this weather. Drink plenty of water in summer. Water helps to maintain internal body temperature. Whenever temperature of our body increases, body regulates it by sweating. Water and...

The Universal Dimension of Hajj

Originally humankind was one single community, free of discord. Then human beings created mutual differences and since these differences could not be resolved by means of human intellect alone, Allah sent a series of Messengers and Books for this purpose who would give their people glad tidings provided they lived...

In the light of the Holy Hadith

How to be a good Muslim? The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, the most beloved of you and closest to me in the Hereafter are those with the best character. Verily, the most hate of you and furthest from me in the Hereafter are those with...

Keeping That Imaan Strong after the Ramadan

Ramadan is one of the most beautiful times we experience in the year. There is a spiritual high in its true communal sense. However, soon after this month is over and we return to our daily life routines, many times we quickly lose the good practices we gained in this...

Returning To The Truth Is A Virtue

All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and there should be no aggression except against the oppressors. May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon the best of creation and the master of mankind, Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullah, the Honest and Trustworthy. May Allah permanently confer...

O You Young!

A very truthful saying, the source of which is unknown but the reality of which can be acknowledged without much thought, goes: “O the young man of today, you will be the old man of tomorrow; and you the old man of today, you were the young man of yesterday!”...

Faith, Knowledge and Social Engagement

Allah says in the Qur’an: “O you who have believed, when you are told, ‘Space yourselves’ in assemblies, then make space; Allah will make space for you. And when you are told, ‘Arise,’ then arise; Allah will raise those who have believed among you and those who were given knowledge,...

Death Brings the Truth

Death Brings the Truth

The Qur’an says: “And the intoxication (stupor or agony) of death will bring the truth; that is what you were trying to avoid” (Qaf, 19). The intoxication of death is a moment – or a series of moments – when a person is transported from this world to the Hereafter....

How to Return to the Qur’an -Ruqaia Al-Alwani 

Though an unlettered nation, when the Arabs received the Noble Quran they did so with attentive hearts. Before memorizing it, they first implemented it in their lives and their conduct. This came as a direct and enthusiastic response to the famous first injunction of the Most High in the Quran to...

The lost generation of ancient trees

At around 1,100 years old, and almost 11m (36ft) in girth, the Big Belly Oak is the oldest tree in Savernake Forest in south-west England. A tiny sapling at the Battle of Hastings in 1066, Big Belly Oak has lived through the War of the Roses, the Black Death, the...

The Village That Lost Its Cheese

The Village That Lost Its Cheese

Stilton, Cheshire, red Leicester. There are more than 700 cheeses produced in the UK, but in parts of the English-speaking world, a certain type is so ubiquitous that it’s simply referred to as “cheese”. Cheddar is the most popular cheese in the UK, accounting for nearly half of all British...

Adopting Prophet’s (PBUH) Beautiful Style  For D’awah

Adopting Prophet’s (PBUH) Beautiful Style For D’awah

The code of Divine Laws according to which humans become the rightful inheritors of this earth, was given to humankind through the Prophet (PBUH). He (PBUH) proclaimed to all nations that their correct and complete development can only be achieved through obeying these Divine Laws. The nation that rejects these...

The Ancient Persian Way To Keep Cool

The city of Yazd in the desert of central Iran has long been a focal point for creative ingenuity. Yazd is home to a system of ancient engineering marvels that include an underground refrigeration structure called yakhch?l, an underground irrigation system called qanats, and even a network of couriers called...

How to Meet the Clean Energy Needs of the World

Sixteen miles (26km) off the windswept coast of northern Scotland, the future of renewable energy is taking shape. Rotating rhythmically in the breeze, the five colossal turbines of the Hywind Scotland wind farm look much like any other off-shore wind project, bar one major difference – they’re floating. While conventional...

Lost History of Women Scholars in Islam

It surprises people to learn that women living under an Islamic order could be scholars, that is, hold the authority that attaches to being knowledgeable about what Islam commands, and therefore sought after and deferred to. The typical Western view is that no social order has (or aspires to have)...