Blessed Kazi Falguni Eshita
When you can walk, talk, eat, even play
Remember, Allah has blessed you in more than one way.
When you have a home, a nice bed or a baby,
Remember, for many others, these are just may be.
Some are born without eyes, hands or feet
Many are struggling just to make ends meet.
In comparison, you’re much better than them
Please be grateful, everyone’s not the same.
You are jobless, depressed or sad?
Remember, there’s always good with anything bad.
Use this time to learn a new skill,
Nothing can break you, if you have a strong will.
My Love
Rafia Jannat
Whenever I look at you
I see you, loving;
That’s what makes me smile
’tis that soothes my heart,
I sink in your love.
But I never see you angry
Only what I know is your ire,
I can feel it.
Even though I still feel
Your love behind your anger.
And for the thirst of your depth and sparkle,
’tis you to whom I rush;
With drunkness
And love, that can’t be found anywhere.
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