The Essence of the Holy Qur’an
Take Preparation for the Greatest Test
Allah says in the Qur’an: Have we not made the earth a respectable. For the living and the dead? (Surah Al-Mursalat: 25-26)
The faculties of thinking and understanding
Dear brothers and sisters, we know that Allah the Mighty is the Creator, the Rular, and the Lord of the whole universe. He has created us with a temporary home, which is the earth. Furthermore, Allah entrusted us with the faculties of thinking and understanding and gave us the power to distinguish right from wrong. We also possess the willpower to utilise the resources available in the world. So, we are the self-controllers and rulers, while at the same time being Allah’s representatives on earth. The correct course of life for Allah’s representatives is to live in complete obedience to Him. Allah declares in the Qur’an, The command is for none but Allah. He has commanded that you worship none but Him; that is the true straight religion, but most men do not know it. (Surah Yusuf: 40) On the other hand, our short life on earth is really an opportunity to prepare for that greatest test. Allah says in the Qur’an: Who has created death and life so that He may test you to see which of you is best in deed? (Al-Mulk: 2)
The life and death were established to test our deeds
We establish the total system of death and life to test our deeds, identifying those who commit evil, those who commit good deeds, and those who perform excellent deeds. We hold this test in the first life and reveal its result in the next. If there had been no first life, no one would have done the deeds. If there had been no death, people would have ceased to act, disregarding the beginning and the end. However, without the uprising, good and evil would not have been compensated. As a result, our duty as representatives of Allah is to live our lives according to Allah’s dictation and to follow divine guidance. Finally, we must remember that Allah holds us accountable for all our actions and activities, and He will call us to account for them in the Hereafter.
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