Pleasure of Leisure – Rafikul Hoque
Let me alone, for now, it is gala day
And night, it’s a relief and delight
It’s not busy one as other days of life.
Time to compose poetry in twilight.
It’s time to recollect like wordsworth
As he did with daffodils, that were yellow
I can do it with the memories
That heals and pleases me and my fellow.
It’s not to strive, to seek, to find and to yield
As Ulysses ordered his comrades
It’s to seek solace in the lotos island
In silence – ripen, fall, and cease.
The night is lovely, dark and deep
And I don’t have promises to keep
Don’t have miles to go before I sleep
As frost did, I am dozy and lethargic
Why is all that work, when solace persist
Why do labours to earn only and to exist
Why not this lone day come again and again
That helps us to reborn, recoup and regain
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