The keys to lead a happier life
Kazi Falguni Eshita::
Winter is approaching fast. The cottons are about to be replaced by the woolens soon. The shopping malls are loaded with special cosmetics to fight cold. The weather will turn colder day-by-day. Let’s try to make a plan to run the whole year happily, and smoothly. A proper plan will also help someone fight off extra pressure and prevent unwanted problems.
Make a proper study plan:Let’s face it. Studies definitely can be boring at times and sometimes students feel like doing things that are apparently more appealing to them. Of course, we want good grades in the exams, so it is a good choice to make a well thought study schedule at the very beginning of the academic year or semester. All the subjects should be given equal attention, but one has to make sure that he/she gets enough time between study hours. It is not wise to study for three consecutive hours. (Many people will argue, that we do have exams for three hours). In my opinion, one should focus on one subject for about 45 minutes to an hour. Then take a ten-minute break before going to the next subject. Too much information in a row always gives me headaches, so my teacher gave me this 70-minute strategy, and it worked like magic for me. Moreover, the ideal time of home study should be five to eight hours, not more than that.
All work and no play? We should always manage time to pamper ourselves. Spend sometime doing things you’re passionate about. It may be watching a movie or reading a good book. Spending time with yourself will help you forget all the negatives that happened throughout the day and make you re-energized.
Keep your body in shape:Exercise is a must to build up your inner stamina and keep all the antigens away from you. No, I’m not asking anyone to be a member of expensive gyms or to buy expensive machines. Instead, just a stroll inside the local park three days a week, or using a bicycle on the way to college might be a good option. Especially if you’re trying to loose a few pounds, there is nothing like the methods mentioned previously. Imagine how good you’ll feel if you get that desired weight.
Prayer has immense power:Pray, every day. Prayer certainly has immense power in it. Learn to appreciate the little blessings Allah has kept scattered around you. If you have good food on your plate, a roof on your head, and clothes to cover your modesty, you are richer than 75 percent of people around the world.
Manage your money:Some people prefer to have a year- long budget, and the amount they save is also a good one. On the other hand, spendthrifts always have financial problems at the end of the month. It is a good idea to make a list of priorities. Look properly into your closet before buying a new set of clothes and the like. Some women use retail therapy (too much shopping) as a method to relax. Beware of money problem, ladies! Avoid getting duplicates of things you already own, and don’t even look at too expensive stuff.
Be social:If you are a service holder, or even a student, socializing does not go in vain. Besides, relationships are like saplings that need to be nurtured. Attend official parties, arrange a colleague’s get together, visit each other’s places or go on a picnic. You will get to know the people around you even better. This is important because knowing people not only lets you know how to behave with them, but it will also increase your general knowledge and adaptability. Working for social benefits is also a good choice if you want to spend your leisure time well. Just after the final exams, most students get a holiday. Use it to teach underprivileged children, or take part in the local cleaning campaign. You can also set up blood donation camps. Another easy way of getting self-satisfaction is by donating food or clothes to the people in need, especially children.
Eat healthy, sleep well: Run away from all the junk food, processed edibles, or the adulterated roadside snacks. These may look tempting, but they will bring you nothing save sickness. Munching on nuts is a much better idea than eating deep fried roadside snacks.
Last but not the least, everyone needs a good amount of shut-eye. Make sure you sleep for six to eight hours a day. There are many nocturnal birds out there that prefer to sleep at the crack of dawn and get up after two hours. This is not a good habit at all. Because then you’ll surely feel drowsy all throughout the day, and your working speed will become slower than normal.
Overall, it can be said that a disciplined lifestyle will keep you fit beyond your expectation. Keep smiling!
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