Family members and relatives
Anas (R.A.A) reported that the Messenger of Allah said: Whoever desires that provisions might be extended to him and that his time of life be prolonged, let him keep sympathy with his hindered. (Bukhari and Muslim)
Islam talks about family life:
Islam is the way of life from the Creator to us. It is concerned with our personal life, our social life as well as our family life. Islam lays great stress on the rights of relatives, Allah has commanded us to do well and show kindness to our relatives, this command comes immediately after the command to do good to our parents. He who deals good treatment to his relatives shall get ample provision in his life and his life will be prolonged. It means that there will be khair, barakt, blessings or sufficiency in his provision and the quantity of works in his life will be great and enormous.
Domestic peace is very much important:
Fortune depends upon domestic peace and peace with relations. National prosperity also mainly depends upon this family peace, because families form a society and societies form a nation, and unless individual families are prosperous, the nation, cannot be prosperous. Family peace can therefore be said at the root of good fortune. It opens the gate of fortune and discards that of proverty. The Prophet (pbuh), therefore, laid special stress regarding duties and responsibilities towards family-members and other near and dear relatives.
The great charity:
There is no great charity than a man is spending his money for the members of his family. Gift and charity to poor relatives bring double rewards than to strangers. If the poor men, of each family are maintained by that family, and if relatives maintain their poor relatives by charity and compulsory Zakat, there will be an end of poverty. The world in that case will be free from poor men. Moreover, family-members and relatives will live in peace and happiness thereby ensuring prosperity and good fortune. It also will be causes of prolongation of life.
Md. Moshiur Rahman
Principal, Islami Bank International School & College
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